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Swine Flu Vaccine Will Contain Mercury - Toxin linked to autism & neurological disorders

The Washington Post confirmed today that the swine flu vaccine, which is set to be rolled out nationwide this fall in what some fear could ultimately become a mandatory vaccination program, will contain mercury, a toxin linked with autism and neurological disorders.

Claims by the CDC and the Institute of Medicine, following a whitewash study that ignored previously verified evidence, that thimerosal, a mercury based preservative, has no causal relationship to skyrocketing cases of autism have been soundly rejected by top doctors and scientists ever since.

Epidemiologist Tom Verstraeten and Dr. Richard Johnston, an immunologist and pediatrician from the University of Colorado, both concluded that thimerosal was responsible for the dramatic rise in cases of autism but their findings were dismissed by the CDC.

Around 12,000 U.S. children will be used as guinea pigs for the experimental swine flu vaccine also known to contain the dangerous ingredient squalene, which has been directly linked with cases of Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other debilitating diseases.

"Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine, under a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius," reported the Associated Press earlier this month.

katy's exposure

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Europe fast-tracking flu vaccine

Europe fast-tracking flu vaccine Doses of a flu vaccine lie on a table as San Luis Obispo County public healthcare professionals conduct a mass flu vaccination drill at the Veterans building in San Luis Obispo, California on October 31, 2006.

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Natural Bug Bite Remedies

Summer is here, the season of outdoor activities, and since mosquitoes tend to multiply in hot climates, summer is also the season of bug bites. Whether it is a mosquito bite or a bee sting, spraying your skin sticky with offensive-smelling bug repellants is only going to make you uncomfortable and possibly keep humans away from you as well.

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Flexcin Offers Tips To Minimize Summertime Arthritis

Most people think arthritis is worse in the cold, winter months but a dirty little secret is that it can be just as painful during the hot, summer months as well. Paying close attention to your diet and exercising the right way can help minimize the pain. Flexcin International, Inc.
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Social Security Administration Considers Adding Alzheimer's To Its Compassionate Allowances List

Today there are an estimated 5.3 million Americans with Alzheimer's disease. Although the majority of Alzheimer cases are individuals age 65 and older, there is still a significant number of individuals under age 65 impacted by this fatal disease that today has no cure.
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Obama's former doctor is critical of reform plan

President Obama talks often about all of the forces lining up against his health care plan. But there's one critic who has remained relatively mum in the debate.
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Abortion measure passes, then fails, in House (AP)

AP - An anti-abortion amendment to a sweeping health overhaul bill was voted down in a House committee late Thursday — a dramatic reversal just hours after the measure initially was approved.
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South Africa launches new AIDS research (AP)

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signs the $85 billion revised state budget during ceremonies at the Capitol in Sacramento, Calif., Tuesday, July 28, 2009.  Schwarzenegger made an additional $656 million in cuts to child welfare, health care for the poor and AIDS prevention to build a reserve fund of $656 million for the state.(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)AP - South Africa launched a new HIV/AIDS research initiative Tuesday aimed at stimulating scientific studies into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

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Calcium Scan of Arteries Helps Spot Big Trouble

Adding a scan for calcium in the heart arteries to a standard test of blood vessel function helps predict which people with known coronary disease are likely to develop serious problems, a new German study indicates.
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Alcohol Treatment Programs

Alcoholism is one of the problems that, once you get hooked to, is quite hard to get rid of alone. That is why alcohol treatment centers that offer a wide range of alcohol treatment programs exist in order to help victims of substance abuse regain their ...
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Hair Regrowth

Hair growth occurs within follicles located just under the surface of your skin. The follicle is more commonly known as the hair root. The portion of hair you see growing is called the shaft. Attached to the root, just under the skin, is a bulb where nutri...
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5 skincare tips for men

When you talk about men and cosmetics, people will often think of goths with eyeliner, emo boys and metrosexuals. The reality is of course that many traditionally masculine, rugged men also use cosmetics - though they usually will refer to them as 'skincar...
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HealthNews Dozen: 12 Effective Steps to Quit Smoking

It is no secret that an addiction to cigarettes is one of the toughest habits to break. While there are some people who can quit by the strength of will power alone, the vast majority of the smoking population requires the assistance of cessation aids and numerous attempts before quitting cigarettes for good. But with medical reports and statistics piling up over the years detailing the dangers of nicotine, the need to stop smoking has become more of a trend than smoking ever was.

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(Health) Depression Poses Pregnancy Risks

Thanks to high-profile celebrities like Brooke Shields, postpartum depression is out of the closet and discussed as something to recognize and treat.
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(Health) Poll Shows Obama Slipping - Washington Post

Poll Shows Obama Slipping
Washington Post
Heading into a critical period in the debate over health-care reform, public approval of President Obama's stewardship on the issue has dropped below the 50 percent threshold for the first time, according to a new Washington ...
Poll: Less faith in Obama's economic abilitiesUSA Today
Poll shows President Obama's approval numbers are slippingNew York Daily News
Obama has a very bad poll dayKansas City Star
Los Angeles Times -Boston Globe
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(Health) GOP chairman rips Obama on health care

The battle to overhaul health care intensified Monday as a top Republican accused President Obama of attempting to ram through an ill-conceived plan that will undermine the country's economic future.
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(Health) Sinai Physiatrist Enthusiatic About Word Addition

It's a word that's been around since the days of the Truman presidency. But a patient looking up "physiatry" would find nothing in the dictionary. Until now. Last week, Merriam-Webster Inc. released its list of the more than 100 entries now included in the latest edition of its Collegiate Dictionary.
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(Health) Veterans Returning From Iraq And Afghanistan At High Risk For Mental Health Disorders

Mental health diagnoses increased substantially after the start of the Iraq War among specific subgroups of returned veterans entering Veterans' Administration (VA) health care, reports a new study. Researchers determined the prevalence and correlates of mental health diagnoses among 289,328 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans entering VA health care from 2002 to 2008 using national VA data.
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(Health) Starting to get crowded in 100-year-olds' club (AP)

FILE -- In this March 6, 2008, file photo,  President Bush meets with World War I veteran Army Cpl. Frank Woodruff Buckles, 107, from Charles Town, W.Va., in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington.   (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)AP - It's starting to get crowded in the 100-year-olds' club. Once virtually nonexistent, the world's population of centenarians is projected to reach nearly 6 million by midcentury. That's pushing the median age toward 50 in many developed nations and challenging views of what it means to be old and middle-age.

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(Health) Adolescent Drinking Linked To Behavioural Problems

Teens who drink heavily are more likely than their peers to have behavioural and attention problems and suffer from anxiety and depression, a team led by researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has reported.
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(Health) Rabies: How To Protect Yourself And Your Pets

Rabies is a virus that occurs in mammals and infects the central nervous system; the disease can cause death in humans if it is not treated. Nearly 90 percent of cases occur in wild animals (raccoons, bats, foxes etc.); less than 10% of cases occur in domestic animals like dogs or cats. Humans usually become infected when they are bitten by an infected animal.
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(Health) What Is Ringworm? What Is Body Ringworm? What Is Scalp Ringworm?

We use the term ringworm or tinea when referring to several types of contagious fungal infections of the top layer of the skin and scalp, as well as the nails. We call it ringworm because the itchy, red rash has a ring-like appearance. There is no connection between ringworm and worms.
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(Health) Obama Reaches Out to Republicans on Health Care, but Bipartisan ... - FOXNews

BBC News
Obama Reaches Out to Republicans on health Care, but Bipartisan ...
President Barack Obama speaks about health care, Friday, July 17, 2009, in the Diplomatic Room of the White House in Washington. (AP) President Obama and some Democratic congressional leaders had pledged to involve Republicans in health care reform ...
Obama Says Overhaul of US health-Care System Can't Be DelayedBloomberg
Obama smartly lashes out at health care insurance industryKansas City Star
Despite critics, Obama stays course on health careThe Associated Press
New York Times -Washington Post -Voice of America
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(Health) Health Tip: Does Your Child Have Symptoms of ADHD?

Title: health Tip: Does Your Child Have Symptoms of ADHD?
Category: health News
Created: 7/17/2009 7:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/17/2009
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(Health) Baking Soda Treats Failing Kidneys

Baking soda is known to be useful for cooking, cleaning, treating sunburn and … kidney health? New research suggests sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, may slow the progression of chronic kidney disease.
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(Health) H1N1 Pandemic Spreading Too Fast to Count

* H1N1 virus has spread more quickly than other pandemics

Source: Reuters health
Related MedlinePlus Topics: H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu), International health
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(Health) Younger Teens Really Do Care What People Think

The opinion of others is key to their self-image, study finds

Source: healthDay
Related MedlinePlus Topic: Teen Development
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(Health) WHO Update: 1124 Swine Flu Cases in 21 Countries

The World health Organization says in its latest update that 21 countries have officially reported 1124 cases of influenza A (H1N1) infection. The cases include 26 confirmed deaths - 25 in Mexico and 1 in the United States. Mexico has reported 590 laboratory confirmed human cases of infection, including 25 deaths. The United States has reported 286 laboratory confirmed human cases, including one death.

The following countries have reported laboratory confirmed cases with no deaths - Austria (1), Canada (140), China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (1), Costa Rica (1), Colombia (1), Denmark (1), El Salvador (2), France (4), Germany (8), Ireland (1), Israel (4), Italy (2), Netherlands (1), New Zealand (6), Portugal (1), Republic of Korea (1), Spain (54), Switzerland (1) and the United Kingdom (18). The latest WHO update can be found here. WHO also has provided a map that shows the cases as of May 4th. More h1n1 resources can be found here.

WHO's influenza pandemic alert raised from phase 4 to 5 but they have not yet upgraded it to phase 6.

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(Health) Dust Mites Trigger Asthma By Tricking the Immune System

The horrible looking creature above is a dust mite and it is known to trigger asthma attacks. Dean Smith, Executive Director of the American Asthma Foundation, says "although dust mites are known to trigger asthma attacks, until now we did not know why the allergic response to the mites was so strong." The mystery was solved as a result of research funded by the American Asthma Foundation's Strategic Program for Asthma Research (SPAR). The lead investigator, Dr. Christopher Karp, and his colleagues found that house dust mites trick the immune system into believing that it is facing a bacterial infection. Thus misinformed, the immune system mounts a strong allergic response to the mites, a response that can trigger asthma attacks.

They have the cause so maybe now they can come up with a cure. Maybe they can create a drug that can keep this allergic response to dust mites from happening in the first place.

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(Health) Treating Itchy Eyes With OTC Eye Drops

This video from Fox News discusses some of the OTC drugs that help with eye itching and irritation caused by allergies. In the video Dr. Manny says he likes a recent drug called Pataday that treats your eyes. It's a one drop once-a-day treatment as opposed to other eye allergy drops that need to applied twice daily. Dr. Manny says Paraday works just as well as the twice-a-day OTC allergy medications. Dr. Manny also warns against rubbing your eyes which is very difficult not to do if your eyes are itching.

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(Health) Congrats to My Colleague on Cancer Advocacy Work

From the “Executive Appointments” section of the local City Paper:

Two from Vanderbilt-Ingram named to ‘Dream Team’

Two members of the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center community have been tapped to join an international "Dream Team" of cancer researchers. Professor Carlos Arteaga and patient advocate Patricia Lee will be part of the project that will seek to further breast cancer research and help tailor treatments to individual patients. Arteaga joins five other principal researchers from around the United States and Europe in the initiative.

The program, funded by Stand Up To Cancer, a charitable initiative of the Entertainment Industry Foundation will receive roughly $15 million for its three-year term.

Patricia Lee is one of my fellow medical librarians. Congrats, Patty!

Posted in Cancer
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(Health) Music therapist eases soldiers' pain with music

7/17/2009 © Palm Beach Post
Music therapist Michelle Pohlable, 24,  calms the dying in a hospice in Palm Beach County.  Now she's going to the Middle East to do the same for soldiers.
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(Health) Donated cadavers indispensable

7/16/2009 © St. Petersburg Times
Around 400 people donate their bodies to the Florida medical education program each year. These "silent teachers" give students direct experience with the human body that is impossible with mere virtual displays and lectures.
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(Health) Abandoned baby found at TMH

7/15/2009 © Tallahassee Democrat
A newborn baby left in a bathroom at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital will likely be turned over to a state agency after investigation.
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(Health) Clozapine 'may have saved' schizophrenics

Thousands of people with schizophrenia worldwide could have been saved if doctors had prescribed them the anti-psychotic drug clozapine, a new study says.

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(Health) Green Tea: A New Weapon Against Prostate Cancer?

Many medical “discoveries” have occurred quite by happenstance. For instance, consider the story of Green Tea which began some 5,000 years ago when, as Chinese legend has it, leaves from a nearby Camellia sinensis tree fell into an emperor’s boiling pot of water. The leaves turned the water a light-brown color and gave off a delightful aroma.

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(Health) Ability to Consider Other People's Thoughts Grows After Age 6

Title: Ability to Consider Other People's Thoughts Grows After Age 6
Category: health News
Created: 7/16/2009 7:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/16/2009
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(Health) New Competition Enters the Market for DNA Testing

While DNA testing as a service direct-to-the-customer was introduced to the market a few years ago, until now there had only been three companies to venture into the market. Now, there is fresh competition with Pathway Genomics Corp. entering the market this week, poised and ready with competitive pricing.
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(Health) UN health agency gives up on counting swine flu (AP)

AP - The World health Organization says it will stop counting individual cases of swine flu.
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(Health) Sunitinib Benefit Explored in Poor-Prognosis Kidney Cancer (HealthDay)

healthDay - THURSDAY, July 16 (healthDay News) -- The oral cancer drug sunitinib (Sutent) has shown promising results in advanced kidney cancer patients who have a poor prognosis, new research says.
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(Health) Malaysian suspected in Indonesia hotel attacks - Los Angeles Times


Malaysian suspected in Indonesia hotel attacks
Los Angeles Times
Noordin Mohammad Top, a bomb maker regarded as the ideological leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist network, is the focus of the investigation into the twin hotel blasts in Jakarta. International suspicion focused Friday on a Malaysian ...
Administration: Jakarta bombing reminder of threatThe Associated Press
Indonesia's Economy May Be Unharmed by Bombings, Citigroup SaysBloomberg
Jakarta bombing prompts New York hotel security increaseAFP
Times Online -Reuters -ABC Online
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